01 July 2018

Turns All Year: Month 78

When you've been skiing for 78-months in a row, it's easy to lose track of days and months. I like to compare it to your mid-twenties in terms of aging. At some point, you just forget how old you are. Skiing every month for as long as you can remember and as long as you can imagine into the future means that it doesn't really matter where you are anymore, because no matter how you slice it you're in the middle. 

For one of my middle months, we'll call it April 2018, I hit 78 months of Turns All Year. I skied four days - one of them being a surprise bonus day at Big Sky with my dad, where we returned (triumphantly!) to the summit of Lone Peak and sent a line we last skied together the first year it opened, when I was 11.

April 5 - Summit Central SkiMo
So, so, so wet. Dear god it rained so much and I fell in the schmoo but was still fun!

April 10 - Bonus (Free!) Day with Popi!
We went. We sent. We fell in the trees and laughed very hard about it.

April 21 - Last Day at Crystal
Enjoyed an unexpected bluebird day for our last sojourn spinning lifts until November!

April 22 - Fly Couloir, Tatoosh Exploring
The notes from my spreadsheet: Did the Fly Couloir in the Tatoosh in subpar conditions, went exploring on Plumber Peak in the terrible heat. I was mentally exhausted and chasing the TALL boys all day.

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