03 February 2018

Turns All Year: Month 75

In a few days I'll be flying to Bozeman to visit the family and put my Maxx Pass to use at Big Sky. I always love skiing at Big Sky as an adult because it makes me appreciate the magic of a childhood spent on that mountain. The fact that my dad - Popi - schlepped me and my twin sisters up one hour each way so many times that we all memorized the lyrics to every single Beatles song ever recorded is pretty remarkable.

I'm especially excited for this trip because my friend Theresa (and other rad folks) are going to join us. When I mentioned this to Popi the other day, "oh yeah, Theresa is coming too," he was ecstatic! "What? Theresa is coming? As in your ski buddy Theresa? The one you do all of that awesome mountain climbing with? I've never even MET her and now I get to SKI with her?"

His reaction was adorable and heartwarming. Popi has always been beyond supportive of my ridiculousness (he bought me my first pink cowgirl hat with matching pink boots when I was 4). He encouraged me to be bold and loud and unapologetic, and I'm stoked he'll get to meet more of my Seattle Family.

Turns All Year Month 75 kicked off in Bachelor with T-town and crew, and it was horrible. Freezing rains on Friday night of NYE weekend meant the mountain was still frozen by Monday afternoon when we dragged ourselves up there by the crack of 1pm. But we went, we saw, we skied. I got in three other ski days in January 2018, and here are my favorite memories:

Mt. Bachelor - New Year's Day

Why does the shortest-armed girl always take the long arm photos? #SkiSquad: Chris, Theresa, Michael, Jordan, Trisha, and me.

At least zee mountains were out!

Mt. Baker Backcountry - January 7

First ice on Bachelor, then wind on Baker. Skiing in the PNW at its finest. Thanks for tolerating my badittude Erin & Todd!

Crystal - January 21

Windholds didn't dampen our spirits! #SkiSquad: Kristen, Anthony, George, and Tony.

We're having fun over here too! #SkiSquad: me, Jordan, and Kurt.

Jordan shredding the gnar!

Even the sun came out to play!

Crystal Sleeper Pow - January 31
This day and the day before were SO GOOD, Reid did an official writeup on snowbrains.com. My photo was used too. Check it out.

This is Cori shredding off the Throne. This is also the best skiing photo I'll probably ever take.
Me coming in hot. Photo by Christy Pelland.

Christy keeping ski tips up!

Reid is the best boarder on the mountain, because he's having the most fun!

Group ski! Me, Reid, and Cori. Photo by Christy Pelland. 

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