20 January 2018

Turns All Year: Month 74

After barely surviving month 73 of TAY in November, I was looking forward to regaining my health and making snow filled turns part of my weekly routine in December.

The snow gods, I'm afraid, had other plans.

Or, at least their plans included snow during the week and rain on the weekends. While I was able to ski three days in December, unfortunately two of those days were what I would classify as "poor to marginal". Actually, as of this writing in mid-January, I have skied only skied six days this season, with five of those consisting of 3 hours or less on the snow. I must admit I'm really jonesing for some face shots.

Here are my favorite shots from December 2017 - Turns All Year Month 74:

Crystal Backcountry - December 4
Fun fact, I was also skiing last year on December 4 in the Crystal backcountry! I love blogs for reminding us where we've been!
I stayed in the back, trying not to hack up a lung.

Morgan and Imran putting those long legs to work.

She's such a beaut!

Jordan sending the blower pow!

Alpental - Christmas Day

For the first time ever, we had a white Christmas and Christmas even in Seattle. As a girl from Montana, it felt pretty magical to have the house blanketed in snow.

Jordan got off work on Christmas morning, so we drove up to Alpental to make some Christmas laps. Weather was soggy and socked in up top, but we found a fun little spot where I could practice airing it out.

Perfectly captured by Jordan.

Hyak Uphill Laps - December 30
When my buddy Bryan called me to say, "Hey, I feel gross from eating so much, wanna skin tomorrow?" And I said, HELL YES!! So we drove up in the rain, walked through 8" of slush in the parking lot, and skinned up and over and back down. It was... marginal. But we sweated and got to have beers for late-breakfast and all was awesome.

Bryan making it look hard.

Sent this selfie to my family and just so happened to catch a snowflake right in front of my tooth! 

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