09 June 2016

Turns All Year: Month 55


To kickoff my birthday month, and celebrate my 55th consecutive month of skiing, I hopped on a helicopter and took a trip into the mountains of the great white north! I'd never ridden on a helicopter (it was incredible), I'd never done a 7-day backcountry ski trip (it was hard), and I'd never spent so much time on the snow in the sweltering heat (it was hot). While staying at the palatial Kokanee Lodge, I enjoyed excellent company and views and got to experience 8-days of being truly unplugged. If you get a chance, I highly recommend a trip there!

Here are some of my favorite pics, which I think paint a pretty good "picture" of our week there:

Tony Paquette captured this beaut. VERY dramatic.

Team Tutu is coming for you! Great photo by Chris Haley.

The extra-large beauty of this place was mesmerizing. Photo by George Smilov.

We had some stars. Photo by George Smilov.

Drinking Coors near the Kokanee Glacier. I'm sure this is punishable by some Canadian Law. Photo by George Smilov.

Hans and I showing off our golden locks. Photo by George Smilov.

Don't mind me. Just following Chris and Theresa to the promised land.

One night we went up for a sunset ski. It was spectacular. Photo by George Smilov.

Our evenings were eventful as the shotski often made an appearance. I broke out the unicorn onesie too! Photo by Chris Haley.

The best picture I took all week.

We went coulior hunting on the hottest day of the trip. It was suboptimal, but here is a shot of Anthony getting after it anyway.

Don't worry, Rosy the Riveter came too.

We celebrated our last night in style!

The "cabin". Not too shabby!

When we arrived the parting group had erected a snowman in our honor. When we flew out, this sad nub was all that was left of him. Global warming is real. Also - really mature guys.

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