31 March 2016

Turns All Year: Month 52

Having grown up in Montana, my mind always convinces me that February is the absolute BEST month to go skiing. The snow is abundant, fluffy, and playful. The weather is cold and sunny, and it's the ideal time to perfect a google tan. Or that's what my "Montanan mind" thinks anyway.....

The reality, though, is that skiing in the PNW is fickle. It can get warm and rain on our snowpack, or we can get zero precipitation whatsoever. Icy conditions often abound. The last two years my best ski days have been in April and May (I am heading to a hut (via helicopter!!) at the end of April, so I hope the streak continues).

That said, this February - and my 52nd consecutive month of skiing - was pretty good. I spent a fun weekday at Alpental, volunteered for Vertfest, visited my SheJumps gals in Schweitzer (where I skied with at Wookie), enjoyed a Hawaiian Tuesday at Crystal, lost two races but still got my team points for City League Racing, and got lost (oops) touring into The Mountaineers' Meany Lodge, which we eventually found in time to catch the tail end of the historic Patrol Race.

Here are my favorite pics:

Feb 4: Cheers to making good choices at Alpental. 

Feb 14: Starting line for Vertfest. Yes, it was raining.

Feb 20 & 21: SheJumps weekend at Schweitzer! ALL of the Girafficorns!

Feb 20: With 8" of fluffies overnight, we scored some of the best turns all year (according to locals).

Feb 20: Siri getting ready to drop in!

This is Rupert. I love him, and he loves beer. Sounds about right.

What's that Schweitzer? You're having fireworks and a throwback party? Okay,  I guess we'll dress up...

Feb 21: This girl's name is Sierra - but everyone calls her Skierra. She travels with a 3' girafficorn. And yes, she skis faster than you.

Feb 21: Skiing in the sunshine with a wookie and a weirdo. 

Thanks Schweizter. We had a rad time.

Feb 23: Hawaiian Day with the Tacoma Ski Bus.

Feb 23: Here's looking at you kid. 

Feb 23: Love my ladies who rip!

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